IMBISS – Snack Bar

“Imbiss” tells the story about a greek family who runs a flourishing snack bar on the greek island of Lesvos – their best costumers: Refugees from the war torn areas of the middle east.  

The film won the price for „best film“ (german competition) at the international shortfilm festival Hamburg in 2017 and got the „Prädikat Besonders Wertvoll“ by FBW. It was also shown at over 30 international and national Film Festivals. Imbiss is part of the anthology film „Research Refugees“.

Regie: Christoph Eder, Jonas Eisenschmidt

Bildgestaltung: Jonas Eisenschmidt, Christoph Eder

Montage: Christoph Eder, Jonas Eisenschmidt

Mischung: Ludwig Müller

Sounddesign: Johann Niegl

Color Grading: Alexander Graeff

Übersetzung: Erato Arampatzi

Länge: 14:00 min.

Jahr: 2016

Genre: Documentary